The members of the transnational criminal gang manufacturing fake documents related
to a foreign country were detained
The State Security Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SSS) continues
its operational and investigative measures in the direction of combating
transnational organized crime.
The actions of the transnational organized criminal group have been
exposed, which took advantage of the processes happening between the region states
in recent years, illegally providing official documents related to the state of
Ukraine to the nationals of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other states in
order to enable those nationals to live,
get asylum and move freely without a visa in different states under the name of
Ukrainian citizens.
During the investigations it was determined that colluded as a group Nuriyev
Ibadat Kahraman oglu, who lived in Lviv, Ukraine, Bagirov Farid Vagif oglu, who
lived in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey, and others starting from January 2023
illegally manufactured Ukrainian passports, identity certificates and driving
licenses, as well as other documents for various individuals and sold each of
them for different amounts of money up to 30,000 US dollars.
As a result of the measures taken by SSS, those persons were arrested and
brought to the investigation in the Republic of Azerbaijan, and they were
charged with illegal manufacturing of licenses and other official documents
granting the right and exempting from duty, with the purpose of their usage, sale
of such fake documents and other related criminal activity.
Investigations have also identified persons operating with forged
documents in various states.
Currently, intensive investigative and operational measures are being
carried out in connection with the mentioned and other related crimes.